
它看起來像一個城市的3D模型。您可以放大和縮小,旋轉90度並四處移動。使用搜索框查找地球上的位置。按一下打開較大的地圖 ...,Youcanzoominandout,rotateandmovearoundonthe3Dmaps.WehavecreatedthisextensiontoplanyournextvacationinpopularcitiesandplacesonEarth.,Enjoyviewingdifferenttouristspotsin3DasyouexplorethedifferentlocationsviaGoogleEarth.Thisextensioncompilesthetoplistoftouristlocations ...,ExploreG...

地球3D 地图

它看起來像一個城市的3D模型。您可以放大和縮小,旋轉90 度並四處移動。使用搜索框查找地球上的位置。按一下打開較大的地圖 ...

Earth 3D Maps

You can zoom in and out, rotate and move around on the 3D maps. We have created this extension to plan your next vacation in popular cities and places on Earth.

Earth 3D

Enjoy viewing different tourist spots in 3D as you explore the different locations via Google Earth. This extension compiles the top list of tourist locations ...

Explore Google Earth

Explore Google Earth. Grab the helm and go on an adventure in Google Earth.

Other versions of Google Maps on the web

Enable 3D mode in Maps ... 3D mode: This version includes smooth zooming and transitions, 3D buildings and features, satellite images, and additional detail. To ...


Problem: Opening Google Maps ( on Chrome, Switching to Satelite view, there is no `3D` and `Rotation` Icons/Buttons.

Google Earth

Available on Chrome and other browsers. Google Earth on mobile. Create maps with advanced geospatial features on PC, Mac, or Linux. Earth Versions · Earth View · Take a tour · Resources

Google 地球

飽覽全世界衛星圖像以及數百座城市的3D 建築物和地形圖。縮放到自宅或任何其他地方,透過街景服務暢遊360 度全景。

Google 地圖該如何開啟3D 功能

正常來說,網頁版的Google 地圖的右下角在衛星模式下都會有3D 的標籤按鈕可以按。 我剛剛測試了自己電腦內的Chrome、Firefox、Edge、IE 四個瀏覽器,

3D View not working in Chrome : rGoogleMaps

The 3D view not available showed up in Chrome whenever I went to Google Maps and Satellite view, I can't view anything in 3D anymore.